Tag Archives: shirts

I’m new at all this but let’s give it a try anyway.

Ok, so I sew a lot in my free time. And I mean A LOT.

So I said to myself: “Self, start a sewing blog.”

So here we are.

2 Shirts, 1 Skirt

These two are made with the same pattern (which I designed all by myself, with a little inspiration from this vintage pattern http://vintagefashionlibrary.com/inc/sdetail/185).

here's the pattern, the front is a little longer than the back, pleated later to match in length.

Both the fabrics were left over from my late grandma, who was a semi- professional seamstress and had a habit of hoarding huge amounts of fabric.

It’s hard to tell what they’re made of, probably mixes of some sort. I really like the colour of the first one, though it’s not my usual style, a kind of salmony-peachy-pink.

I made this skirt by modifying a basic long a-line skirt pattern. It has a little pleat -detail in the front and is gathered on the side with ribbon.The fabric is a very light-weight wool mix which I fell in love with… I’m thinking of making a dress out of it later.

The skirt is a much darker shade of gray than what it looks like in the close-ups. Anyway the light is kind of crappy in all the photos, so sorry for that. At least I try! :D

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